
Showing posts from December, 2021

End of semester

The Semester is over and we are all officially on winter break. The weather this week has been pretty warm considering that it’s around the middle of December. It doesn’t really feel like it’s the holiday season if there’s no snow outside. A lot of people are also going to be traveling so hopefully everyone stays safe and enjoys their break. 

Break Soon

 School is supposed to be over December 18th but a lot of my teachers are going to stop having meet ups. So It kind of feels like winter break is already started. However it hasn’t because I still have some work to do and some finals. My teachers are mostly done teaching what we need to know for the semester though. Hopefully everyone has a nice winter break since it is pretty long and people could really use it.


 It’s December but it still not really that cold out which is strange. Thanksgiving break is over and now we also have finals coming up. In 2019 the first snow was on Halloween. I think it feels more like the holidays when it’s snowing outside. Last year I don’t think it even snowed at all before Christmas and around Christmas.