Guided Reflection Blog for Chasing Coral

 Chasing Coral

 1. A scene that was really interesting to me was when they brought the guy who was loved coral reefs and always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef to go see it and when they got on the plane and flew there. You could see the Great Barrier Reef from the plane window. Then one of the members of the crew mentioned the at the entire thing was alive and it interested me because I never thought of it that way when I first saw it from the air when they showed it.

2. What surprised me was and caught me off guard was when they said that if trees in the rainforest turned white like the bleached corals are then they would be more shocked and that was really true and it helped me see how bad the situation with corals around the world are.

3. Questions I have after viewing would be how have the  corals reefs been for the past year and if they have improved or gotten worse. I would really like know if the corals that were bleached are back yet and have colors. Things in my life that relate to the movie haven’t popped up yet because I watched it very recently but it would be likely because corals are very important to the environment which would make them relevant enough for me to hear about it on the news.

4. For writing a summary for this documentary I would avoid using things like critical reviews where people give their own opinions about what they thought of the movie. This i because using someone else subjective expirences would not be a good thing for writing an unbiased and fact based summary that just is supposed to tell you what the documentary is actually about.
