
Showing posts from October, 2021


 I went outside to some stores on Halloween and there were a lot of people there. There were mostly people who wanted to get candy for the night. I saw some of the same people going to other stores like Walgreens that I saw at Walmart.  As I was at the checkout the cashier picked up the phone and told someone that they still had candy left and named which ones. When I was outside there were also people going trick or treating pretty early. It was still daytime and I saw people out at around 4pm. 

Guided Reflection Blog for Chasing Coral

 Chasing Coral  1. A scene that was really interesting to me was when they brought the guy who was loved coral reefs and always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef to go see it and when they got on the plane and flew there. You could see the Great Barrier Reef from the plane window. Then one of the members of the crew mentioned the at the entire thing was alive and it interested me because I never thought of it that way when I first saw it from the air when they showed it. 2. What surprised me was and caught me off guard was when they said that if trees in the rainforest turned white like the bleached corals are then they would be more shocked and that was really true and it helped me see how bad the situation with corals around the world are. 3. Questions I have after viewing would be how have the  corals reefs been for the past year and if they have improved or gotten worse. I would really like know if the corals that were bleached are back yet and have colors. Things in my life tha

Upcoming Seasons

It’s fall break and the weather is going to get cooler and it’s Halloween season. I’m looking forward to the holidays and weather that we are going to get soon. Later this fall thanksgiving and Black Friday are also coming up. The days are going to get shorter and the holidays season starting around Thanksgiving is another thing we can look forward to and we are going to get winter break. 

My Personal Essay

    When I first started my personal essay I had to think about what I was going to write about. I started writing ideas that I had a tried to be really descriptive and use senses like smell and hearing. I got an idea and wrote a couple of paragraphs.      Then I changed the main topic of the essay and i changed the what I already wrote to fit it better. I was also able to think of new things to write about and was able to add more to my essay. Overall I think I did pretty well on the assignment.